Good Samaritan will be taking Christmas Applications starting November 4th. The program is NOT a “free toy giveaway.” This means that families applying for assistance must show a verifiable need for the help. Good Samaritan also requires that ALL parents show that they are either disabled, working, in school or in a training program. This means parents must have and be working a plan for improving their family situation. You will find a link below to download/view the dates and items needed to apply for Christmas Assistance.

If you have come to Good Samaritan without all required documentation or a plan for improving your family situation, you will NOT be able to put in an application.

If you receive assistance from family members, significant others, friends, etc., you must provide written documentation from that person (statement including person’s name, address, and contact#). This information must have been previously turned in to the Department of Human Services. We will verify and check all information in each application.

Don’t forget to bring a wish list for each child that includes clothing and shoe sizes. Since Good Samaritan will (as a minimum) provide $75-100 worth of gifts per child we will need a wish list that is extensive and inclusive of many types of gifts (gifts of varying value). In general, we need to know the types of things your child likes. We cannot guarantee any type of gifts or that your child will be adopted.

Please be clear that we will verify ALL information given to us by every client. Any deception or any failure to tell the entire truth of a household situation will result in your Christmas application being DENIED. If you or the child or children you are applying for are found on ANY other organization’s list for Christmas Gifts or Christmas Food Baskets your Christmas Application WILL BE DENIED AND YOU WILL BE BANNED FROM FUTURE CHRISTMAS ASSISTANCE AT THE GOOD SAMARITAN CENTER. That said, please be honest about your household makeup and financial situation. It is the only way that Good Samaritan can help your family.

CLICK HERE for List Dates and Information Needed to Apply for Good Sam’s Christmas Program



